Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.

Communication Networks Lab.


April 12, 2024
Student Loc (D1) and Associate professor Watabe were honored by technical committee on Information Networks (IN), IEICE.
Sept. 6, 2023
Our laboratory has been awarded as an outstanding laboratory in terms of safety and hygiene.
Jan. 20, 2023
Student Yokoyama won an excellent presentation award at Technical Committee on Information Networks, IEICE.
Oct. 25, 2022
5 new members have joined ComNets Lab.
April 1, 2022
In the global security competition picoCTF, our team ranked 121st out of 7794 teams (in the top 2%).
Nov. 16, 2021
6 new members have joined ComNets Lab.

About us

Communication Networks Laboratory (ComNets Lab.) tackle various issues in communication networks including the Internet.


通信ネットワーク研究室(渡部研究室)では,国際論文誌 11件,国際会議 24件,国内会議 88件の論文を発表し,科学技術の発展に貢献しています.
Note: The above achievements include papers in Laboratory of Network Performance Evaluation (Kenji Nakagawa's laboratory).


Communication Networks Laboratory (ComNets Lab.) currently consists of one associate professor, 13 graduate students, and 2 undergraduate students.


Communication Networks Laboratory (ComNets Lab.) is located in Faculty building (Electrical Engineering) of Nagaoka University of Technology.